Here is our blocked bidder list.
Please add your list so we can create a comprehensive list of known Cod Bags. Please don't give individual details. Leave those for other rants. This is just a place for the factual posting of individuals you have blocked from bidding on your eBay items. What others do with these lists in order to protect themselves is completely up to the individual user. (wink, wink)
2_da_rnk, 450bill233, 5621sam, aditrolio, akonabum, brandin1987, buzzbait700, hotwheeljc, isohakki, jacohen1, jenesnow, jenniferlynn_palomino, jerryraiber, jewelgrandma, jimayoung_2003, joshhigg, khabibu35, kougar1994, ldelgado90, masterwoodfinisher, mijit66, mj1679pink, oterkongen, pentad5, rain1916, sabres37ryan, sager1985, strobel2112, thewoodsinusa
NOTE: If you have added friends and family to your Blocked Bidder list to prevent shill bidding (something we highly recommend), make sure you remove them from the list before you publish it.
anaheim91206, awalker7092, godzbabygirl, teon35
Added to our blocked list. Thanks!
96chevyss, wirexec
Thanks Michael, We now block your bidders as well.
I think I like this place.
I'm trying to sell all my stuff so I can move away with a very dreamy girl for collage..
My god - they really don't flock to good things - but they sure say they'll be there this or that day.
Just sit around - time will run out.
alialameri, birdbrain4291, bmillar11, bnp003, cindyban, designerblast, diacsabi, docsosa, fallonrage, fiestaqueen, fourskiers, hsdeharde2s9k, juliewutzke1, jungle0159, maryemay19, mayling_ruiz85, muchmellow, nond2rgu1, shawnandpamela1997, susanna171080, suthman, tamara10105, vdavis504, wschill2, ykim_gems, zepeda_marquez454
I have a zero tolerance policy! 2904ramy, aghulamhussian, amazingbarbie, beatrice.polk, boody88, bossmanoid, budwick82, clschake, curtisramone, dkk6969, jajab, jeepersjoyishere, jmknee, kool3737, kuzihunt, lovetel, maryluis2009, maxbluerory, moonstarsoy, oddsr4me, oldusers, runningcamelot2003, scoobdahler, skyhag101, tod1975, tp1967, younme0ctane, 18edcf4893b7a0217d306ce880c94afe28732512, 1967-1969, 1967chevyss350, 22447849@deleted, 26720308@deleted, 26892188@deleted, 28536756@deleted, 31595742@deleted, 33561120@deleted, 36257020@deleted, 86k30, aarchivehunter, armstrong20025cuu, artbyart, backalleyracing89, basshead3000, bballcoachbaseball, bcwilson2001, bd2thbn, betoal, bhard1255, bigblownchicken, biggboats, bigmmmike, blackfirechevy, blwn68ss, bountyhunter2001, carcrazy34, chamkor, chevbelair1955, chrisjen472k2, coloradowyoming, dcrumley.mindspring.com, diehrdchevy, dlang0299, doc_reese, dylanstad64, elwayredhead, gamewornjersey, glinn900723vs2, hask49, hoythunter1, ipkyss, jacksturbo, jesster009, jetronic028x0e, jimmy0196, jrdrag3969, kevinnguyen3000g, kienanday, kmcman225, la-nets, lt1tony, mddoubet9d8a, member852y9w, mikeyc4wd, mizuho-thp-ncg, mrdougscars, mustang84ford, neaia418, pacercrazy, pallets03, pen151985, platnumtpiroc350, ranchero72, randal_ws1, rbulg, roset69, saintsfan57, saung72, sgtfirstclass, shawn56, slick10484, sminknoe, sscamman, sw_richard, takerskirtov, tet1054, thea22theis, tigerboop, tomasz666, tttuuu, turbokh, tyreejonny, wildchickadee, wittjm, woooods, wuud, zcamaroz,
1smartdok, bass-overtones, bassoon52, cherished*dragoness, videoncd
Member id cnafeck002012
Thanks cribrat! One of the ebay sellers here has come up for a new term for this. He calls it Cod-Blocking. We too have a zero-tolerance policy for cod-bags. In fact, we have been know to block people preemptively just for asking dumb or annoying questions. Based on eBay's policies, we cannot afford to sell to cod-bags who will become disgruntled as a result of their own stupidity and take it out on us via negative feedback.
Bid on an ebay item and emailed me when it was over and asked me to cancel the order. Had no idea how ebay works.
Where do I add the block list on ebay?
Good Question Jeb-
eBay makes it damn near impossible to navigate to it. We have it bookmarked on our machines. Click here to update your codbags: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?BidderBlockLogin
BTW: Here is an updated list for us.
1349jimm, 1967-1969, 1967chevyss350, 1carwash1, 1serviceguy, 2904ramy, 2915victor, 450bill233, 4coolcatslynne, 4pandt2, 713sland001, 755donohoe, 86k30, 96chevyss, aarchivehunter, aditrolio, aghulamhussian, akonabum, amazingbarbie, anaheim91206, aplecart, armstrong20025cuu, asaroles, awalker7092, backalleyracing89, baghbaan936, bar6idoll, basshead3000, batera45, bballcoachbaseball, bbkwell123, bcwilson2001, bd2thbn, beatrice.polk, betoal, bhard1255, bigsmith01, birdbrain4291, blackfirechevy, blenis27, blwn68ss, bmillar11, bnp003, boguscell, boody88, bossmanoid, brandin1987, brianjason6, brmad14, bschaetz, budwick82, buzzbait700, bvdbjd, cakeordeath8808, carterohio, cathypipi, chamkor, chevbelair1955, chrisjen472k2, cindyban, clschake, cmcproductions08, coaknox, coloradowyoming, combe327, cornertoystore, curtisramone, darrellb5383, davoodzilla, dcrumley.mindspring.com, dealfinder704, designerblast, dhomgonzalez, diacsabi, diehrdchevy, dirt777, dkk6969, dlang0299, doc_reese, docsosa, dpfa1327, dylanstad64, e362af021bb273b7884244849, easygoin-2009, easyrider00765, ecedeno49, effiedude, elwayredhead, esil70, ezinne65, factorydirect2u, fallonrage, fiestaqueen, flachman5, fourskiers, gatewoodracing, glinn900723vs2, godzbabygirl, good-ol-bear, gumballmachines, harrys7352, hask49, hondaskrazy, hotwheeljc, hoythunter1, hsdeharde2s9k, humes11, intensitysails, ipkyss, isa5159, islam981, isohakki, jacksturbo, jacohen1, jagre1713, jajab, janiemitchell, jeepersjoyishere, jelstonjr2011, jenesnow, jenniferlynn_palomino, jerryraiber, jerscm5, jesster009, jetronic028x0e, jewelgrandma, jiteshsojitra, jlyons716, jmue6092, joes2007, joro661, joshhigg, joycezubia, jraycher, jrdrag3969, jujuluv2shop, jungle0159, kappaman1992, kenny093, kerri4567, kevinnguyen3000g, khabibu35, kienanday, kindmom4u, kmcman225, kool3737, kuzihunt, kwhite379, la-nets, lary2003, ldelgado90, leemar, lovetel, lt1tony, madge.rg1, marshall6010, marthaisa2811, maryemay19, maryluis2009, masterwoodfinisher, maurice123shop, maxbluerory, mayling_ruiz85, mbee928, mddoubet9d8a, meeles447, member852y9w, mijit66, mike08406, mikegaskin303, mikeyc4wd, mindy304, mizuho-thp-ncg, mj1679pink, moonstarsoy, mrdougscars, ms_jaded, muchmellow, mustang84ford, myus2, neaia418, nesheimer, nhien_ne, nlyons31809, nond2rgu1, norma417, oddsr4me, oldusers, onceagain2u, orchidbytes, oterkongen, pacercrazy, pallets03, pebbles_14510, pentad5, phfd6460, pia2010*10, popdesignz, precioslocos77, purchaser333, quyen225, rain1916, ramirez20122012, ranchero72, randal_ws1, raymondgrote, rbulg, rc1paredes, rector683, richell051825, richlong79, robertirani, rose_cat, roset69, runningcamelot2003, rwo59, sabres37ryan, sager1985, saintsfan57, salespdb, samuel330i, samuelbroown, saung72, scoobdahler, sergeant673, sgtfirstclass, shawn56, shawnandpamela1997, silvias121987, skyhag101, spacestuff4me, stevep8269, strobel2112, sureshpabba, susanna171080, suthman, sw_richard, takerskirtov, tamara10105, tamhawk2012, teon35, terminator0422, thatdoodle, theplannerone1, therealpapito, tigerboop, tod1975, tomasz666, tp1967, turbokh, vdavis504, vestamom, vietitali, wilsons42008, winggl1800, wirexec, wittjm, woooods, wschill2, wuud, yellownife, zcamaroz, zepeda_marquez454
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